Accountable Healthcare - 15 Hacks for Keeping Cool When It’s Way Too Hot Outside
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August 9, 2024

15 Hacks for Keeping Cool When It’s Way Too Hot Outside

What's not to love about summer? The days are longer, the sun is shining, and the pool is calling your name. But some days are just way too hot ... like fry an egg on the sidewalk kinda hot. And when those days pop up, just remember these 15 tips to help you keep your cool.

1. Stay hydrated the right way

Try to avoid too much caffeine and alcohol, as both of those liquids tend to raise your body temperature. And yes, even iced coffee can turn up the heat. So if you're really hot, good ole H2O will help cool you down and keep you hydrated. Tip: throw in mint, cucumber, or lemon to add a little flavor!

2. Keep the sun out

If you're opening windows in an attempt to allow some air to cool your home, it's important to know where the sun is. In the morning, close all windows and blinds that face the east and south side of the house–and open all windows on the west and north side. This will allow air to come in without having the solar flare heat up your space. Simply reverse this tactic in the late-afternoon and keeping things cool will be a breeze.

3. Blow it away

If you're using a ceiling fan to cool your space, make sure that the direction of the fan blades are blowing the air down and not up. Fan's don't actually lower the temperature in a room, but the air currents flowing over your body help to keep your personal temp nice and cool.

4. Readjust your schedule

Try and keep out of the sun during peak mid-day hours. If you have to be outside to get lawn work finished or enjoy your daily jog, move your adventure to the early morning or evening hours. Obviously, labor of any kind will raise your body's temperature, so try your best to bypass the warmest hours of the day. This will help you avoid heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

5. Pouring water on your head

We've all seen NFL players get off the field and dump a giant bucket of water over their exhausted and overheated bodies. But is it safe? Studies have been conducted, and specialists can't exactly find common ground on the topic. Some say it's safe to pour a cup or two, so long you have already been drinking water of the same temperature.

6. Keep your cap on

If you're wearing a hat or cap, you can pour water into the hat and quickly invert it before popping it on your noggin. The inverted hat trick is the less harsh than pouring an entire bucket of water over your head and is probably your safest bet.

7. Run your wrists under cold water.

Time for a little anatomy lesson: pulse points are the parts of your body where blood vessels are closest to the surface of your skin. If you can cool your blood at these vulnerable points, it will recirculate into the central part of your body and cool you down. Try running cold water over your wrists, right where you can feel your pulse.

8. Put a cool towel on your neck

Even more effective than chilling your wrist, wrapping a cool towel or popping a chilled ice pack on your neck is the most direct way to reach your body's cranium-thermostat center.

9. Aim cool air your way

Small fans can pack a big punch. If you don't have immediate access to water or aren't near a fridge to grab a chill-pack, blast a portable, compact, battery-operated fan on the back of your neck. They're handy to keep in your purse, bag, or car all summer long.

10. Keeping cool starts in the closet

Try to stick with loose-fitting, light-colored clothing, made from breathable cotton fabric. Save your black bodysuit and jeans for when it's not 90 degrees outside.

11. Just relax

Muscle activity can produce a lot of body heat, so take a blisteringly hot day as nature's way of telling you to put your feet up and relax.

12. Avoid certain foods

Did you know that certain foods can raise your body's temperature? Okay, besides the apparent big bowl of soup, there are other foods that will naturally increase your body's heat as well: Ginger, coconut oil, brown rice, garlic, and cayenne pepper all contain properties that bring your body temp up, so save those foods for the winter season.

13. Eat cooling cuisine

If those foods warm you up, which ones cool you down? Well, focus on foods that contain a lot of water and help to keep you hydrated. Add cucumbers, mango, cilantro, watermelon, zucchini, and pineapple to your summer grocery list.

14. Put your face mask in the fridge

If you're looking to refresh yourself in the best way possible, try keeping certain grooming products, such as face masks, eye-rollers, and moisturizers, in the fridge. It will simultaneously cool and replenish your skin. Of course, each product is different, so check the label for the recommended storing conditions before putting anything in the fridge.

15. Get out of the house. No, seriously

No A/C? No problem. If you don't have air conditioning, try and make a trip to the nearest place that does. Window shop at the mall, catch a movie at your local theater, or even read some books down at the public library. These places typically have A/C, and they can combat summer boredom.